每周工作5天 月薪
工作经验 1-3年
学历要求 本科职位描述
【Job Description】
We are a globally active translation company and we are now seeking technical translators to work for us as freelancers/part time for translation of the following language combinations.
English into Simplified Chinese(vice versa) - Law/legal field
【Our requirements】
We envisage that you are native speaker of Simplified Chinese and interested in languages, have a technical background and experience in law/legal field translation. Previous experience of CAT-software is an advantage.
1. 英语/法律相关专业,本科及以上学历。
2. 2年以上法律领域翻译经验。
3. 为人友好,团队合作,熟练掌握中文口语及书面语。
4. 有服务意识,能在Windows下正确操作基本软件。
5. 有CAT软件使用经验者优先。
- 中国上海市黄浦区建国西路91弄5号 瑞金花园商务楼1909室